Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have… 1 Peter 3:15

… but do this with gentleness and respect. (Thought that extra note might be necessary).

I’ve been pondering a passage from tomorrow’s (sorry, I read ahead) My Utmost for His Highest passage. Please consider this and let me know your thoughts:

“The lasting characteristic of a spiritual man is the ability to understand correctly the meaning of the Lord Jesus Christ in his life, and the ability to explain the purposes of God to others. The overruling passion of his life is Jesus Christ. Whenever you see this quality in a person, you get the feeling that he is truly a man after God’s own heart.”

2 thoughts on “Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have… 1 Peter 3:15

  1. Hey Megan! So great to see you and Larry this past weekend. We have an email prepared and are ready to send it out to you, we’re just waiting for a couple of IT people to get back to us first before we send it. Anyway, it is so funny that you have this verse on your blog: when Nate and I traveled with Wheaton’s Youth Hostel Ministry, this was the ministry’s verse–for every member, every year. Take care, chat soon! –Faith


  2. Hi Megan, I was googling "always be prepared to give an answer…" for a women's workshop I'm giving this weekend, and your blog popped up, so just thought I'd pop in and say "hi".We're fellow bloggers – my blog is: – I started it as kind of a therapy when I was diagnosed with breast cancer last August & it's kinda morphed into an inspirational / comedy type blog.Anyways, God bless you & have a great day!WendyMontreal, Quebec, Canada


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